
OTAKOYI Stands With Ukraine

Oleksandr  Fedyna
Oleksandr Fedyna
May 3, 2022 3 min read 2333 views
May 3, 2022 3 min read 2333 views

When the war has begun, some warfare experts gave us three days. However, Ukrainian people were not ready to give up neither we are ready to lose. OTAKOYI also stands its ground. As we have stated from the day of the company’s foundation, we are a Ukrainian company and we and continue to be so. 

From the day the war started, we knew that we have to proceed with our work because in such a way, we support our country’s economy. We are going to help our country in this struggle by other means too. That is because we all know what is at stake: Ukraine’s independence, freedom of its people, human rights, and what is most important the protection of our right to exist. 

We continue working on our ongoing projects, release the finished ones, and start new ones

We believe that everyone can make the best contribution by doing what they do best. As a software development company, we are working hard to preserve the stability of the economy and business in Ukraine. Therefore, OTAKOYI functions at full capacity to deliver the best possible service to our clients and partners.

OTAKOYI contines operating in full power and delivering services to its clients

However, currently it is not enough just to continue doing business. OTAKOYI knows it and we are doing much more than that. The thing is that even a little help makes a big difference now. 

4Ukraine Charity Organization

First and foremost, we helped our long-term partners from Poland to organize a charity fund 4Ukraine. This fund collects the info about the needs in the areas affected by the russian invasion, purchases the supplies (such as humanitarian aid, medicine, and other products that are hard to get in Ukraine), and then delivers them to the recipients in Ukraine. We encourage everyone who can to support Ukrainian citizens who suffered from russian aggression. If you are willing to help too, please, follow the link and make a donation.

4Ukraine charity fund

Office Shelter

Secondly, the part of our office is now serves as a shelter for those employees and refugees, who suffered from the attacks of russian troops in the hotspots. Our people is what we value the most. Therefore, their safety and comfort is our priority #1.

Our office is a shelter for everyone in need

Everyone’s Initiative

Finally, besides what was organized by the company’s initiative, everyone made their own contribution to the common cause. People often combine the job with volunteering. They cook food for refugees and Ukrainian soldiers, weave camouflage nets, and do a lot of other kinds of community service. Those, who develop software during the day, become members of the Ukrainian IT army at night. It goes without saying that most of us made charity donations. One way or another, we are dedicated to help our country and its people.

Our volunteering

Message of Thanks to Those Who Help

We express our gratitude to those who have already helped us. Your aid matters. Even the smallest support makes a great difference. Your donations are already feeding the hungry, warming those who are cold, and saving lives from the danger above.

For those of you who want to help but wonder how they can do it:

  • You can donate money to our charity fund 4Ukraine
  • Or you can donate to Come Back Alive
  • Boycott russian and belarusian goods and services
  • Stop doing business with russia and belarus
  • Replace russian and belarusian goods and services with the ones that belong to the countries that oppose the war in Ukraine, or in support of Ukraine's economy — with Ukrainian ones (even if it is not our company)
  • Pressure your governments to sanction russia and shelter the sky over Ukraine
  • Avoid donating to Red Cross since all the money donated for Ukraine goes directly to russia, which forcefully deports Ukrainian people from occupied territories

Our main goal is to achieve peace

With your help, we will be able to achieve it faster and with fewer casualties. We are also welcoming foreign companies who are eager to support Ukraine to partner with our businesses, making mutually beneficial projects together. Besides, such a partnership will benefit the economy of Ukraine, preventing the humanitarian crisis and helping to defend democracy and human rights.


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