
Industries That Can Benefit from Digital Transformation in 2021

Serhiy Lavrynenko
Serhiy Lavrynenko
December 13, 2021 10 min read 10012 views
December 13, 2021 10 min read 10012 views

What is digitalization in business?

Digitalization is a modernization of a business, the transition from analog technology to electronic ones. Such changes are a necessity in the 21st century, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital transformation is a must since an analog way of communication with clients is already not an option.

Due to this situation, IT companies have become more of a digital transformation enterprise nowadays. Regardless of the grim necessity that forces these transformations, digitalization brings a lot of benefits that change the way businesses function. First of all, going digital will allow your business to still function. Secondly, you can update the legacy processes. Thirdly, the efficiency of the workflows will be improved. Finally, these changes will help you make more profit.

Now, let us show you some examples of industries we helped to go digital.



The Automotive industry can still survive without cooperation with the IT sector. However, survival does not mean success in this case. The benefits of digital transformation can seriously affect the automotive business because they are in strong demand, which is not so obvious at first glance.

First of all, a modern car requires connectivity. There are plenty of devices used, such as GPS navigators, vehicle cameras, and monitors for different purposes. All of that and a lot of other devices have to be interconnected by means of a cable, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and other means. To facilitate their connectivity, it is necessary to use the proper software. As a result, the work of these devices and systems will be automatized, which will improve the user experience.

Secondly, vehicles nowadays are nothing like they used to be. The trend of electrification dictates the new rules, and digital transformation solutions can help a lot of drivers switch from the conventional energy source to electricity with comfort. In fact, both electric and conventional cars undergo electrification because of the functions like power-assisted steering, smart light systems, traction control, airbags, and a lot of others.

Finally, there is a growing requirement for shared mobility services. Anything from bicycles and scooters to cars and vans can be rented, and the demand for such services keeps growing. To support such a business, its owners have to develop at least a mobile application. In such a way, a team of professional developers can transform a business idea into a real project.

Our experience in working with the automotive industry is associated with the development of an online platform where you can search and select your desired car. The problem is that there is an abundance of cars to be sold. As a user, you have to look through tons of irrelevant content until you find the right one. To solve this problem, we implemented a smart searching system, the one that does not presume to configure the search all day long. Instead, the filters work in such a way that you can narrow your search whenever you need it. Besides, every car has an informational video about it, so that you always know what you are buying. Moreover, we decided to further enhance the user experience by implementing AI technology to automatically divide videos into sections about different parts of the cars. Furthermore, AR technology helps users to view a car in their garage. That is how convenient the buying process can be with the use of technologies.


The industry of healthcare and everything that is connected to medicine is crucial to go digital during the COVID-19 pandemic. The field of medicine always presumes a lot of paperwork, and the switch to electronic documentation will reduce the live contact between people. In such a way, the owners, employees, and customers of the healthcare industry get one of the most important benefits of digitization — safety. Besides, electronic documents can be maintained and organized with the help of specialized software.

However, documentation is not the only thing that can be improved as far as healthcare is concerned. We had an experience of much more influential improvements in this field. The Medical Record Website we made is really helpful because it:

  • helps therapists manage patients’ info effectively;
  • allows patients to upload and update their information;
  • monitors the workload of therapists;
  • creates a map that is used to find the nearest therapist;
  • has an Admin Portal so that management could add, delete, and modify the content of the website.


The legal industry may also get a lot of digital technology benefits as a result of cooperation with an IT partner. This industry is currently being digitalized all over the world, and the driving force of these changes is the customers’ demand. Legal cannot be further isolated, but instead, it should be easily accessible, data-driven, and flexible. Moreover, the automatization of routine processes will be beneficial for the providers of services as well as consumers. The fact is that AI technology can do these tasks quicker and more precisely than a human specialist.

Our experience of cooperation with a legal company resulted in a successful project, a website that is connected with an app, which is available for the users of Android and iOS devices. The idea was to create an online platform for lawyers in the US. This platform now works and connects attorneys for the purpose of case referral. Now there is no need for them to travel long distances in order to work with all the cases. Instead, they can post a summary of the case and add all the necessary details. In order for the other lawyers to take the case, they make their bids, which are the percentages of the case’s price. Of course, there is a reliable authentication system to prevent any fraud. Thus, this piece of software helps to distribute the workload among the lawyers evenly and gain some percentage of money for the referred cases.


The situation when students and pupils all over the world have to study remotely craves technology to facilitate this process. Lucky they are to live in the age of information when they can enjoy the benefits of digitization, such as the technologies that can connect people all over the globe. However, using Skype or any other technology for video calls is not enough to organize the process properly. In this situation, there is also a need to use platforms that bring more order to the studying process. Moreover, the employees of some educational institutions also have to work remotely, and therefore corporate digital transformation is a must for them.

OTAKOYI team knows exactly what to do as far as the learning process is concerned. We have experience in building solutions for the field of education. Our online learning platform connects native-speaking teachers with those who learn English as a second language. The fact is that the solutions for this industry are popular. To build your own, one has to solve the popular problems associated with it, as well as supplement the product with the features that will provide a competitive advantage. Our project delivers an exceptional user experience because it allows a user to choose between the flexible and regular courses, as well as to choose an individual plan. All the transactions are safe due to the integrated Transact Pro system. Finally, it presumes examination of teachers to guarantee the required level of professionalism among those who will teach the users.


The retail industry has received digital transformation benefits earlier than most other industries. For instance, such companies as Amazon started their digitalization in the 90s, and the new technology brought them to their success. Nowadays, the need for a presence on the Internet for a retail company only increases. The first thing a person would do if they are interested in your product is to search for your company on the Internet. In case you have a presentable website, this person becomes your lead.

We know everything about retail because we have done numerous projects in this field for different clients. We are proud of our work and the fact that we can find solutions to different business situations. That is because for one client we made a customer engagement platform, another one asked to upgrade and update their website, and there are some who seek for building a web page from scratch to fulfill their specific needs. As you can see, we do never work from a certain template, but we carefully analyze each unique situation to build the best possible custom solution.


Like a lot of other industries, the financial sector required digital transformation, but the process was slow until it was pushed by the urgency that was COVID-19. However, the big corporations had all the means to survive the pandemic, while the small and medium businesses stagnated from it. The solution to the problem is digital business technologies because they can greatly affect information exchange as well as reduce the costs of transactions. As a consequence, small financial transactions become more affordable and may be carried out more frequently. Thus, it is still fruitful ground for different financial platforms, namely blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

Our experience in the fintech industry involves working with cryptocurrency marketplaces. OTAKOYI developed an advertising platform for Initial Coin Offering and Security Token Offering. The fact is that this industry is highly competitive, and therefore it requires custom solutions that will be unique for each case. Our project resulted in a balanced and flexible solution. On the ICO platform that we have developed, an advertiser pays for the number of clicks to his website but not just for listing. Besides, the platform presumes deep analytics and reports download. In such a way, we developed a product that makes information easily accessible, has a minimalistic UI, convenient  UX, and last but not least makes it possible to instantly gain a lot of investors.


Tourism is yet another industry that can make most of the cooperation within the IT sector. The thing is that tourism was damaged by COVID-19 more than any other industry. In 2021, this niche is still in strong demand. However, there are a lot of limitations associated with traveling as well as there is a strong need for quick and seamless booking so that one can easily plan or cancel a flight or a reservation. That is why digital transformation is important in this field.

The fact is that tourism was one of the first industries that opted for digitalization globally, and it allowed flight and hotel booking on the web that changed the experience of its customers for the better. Apart from the booking, digitalization in tourism can create a lot of new opportunities that make a business more competitive and sustainable for further development. The problems of this sector can become new opportunities. While some business owners are complaining about the troubles of seasonality and overcrowding, others are using these opportunities to create smarter destinations.

One of the latter was our client, Owayy. With our help, they developed a platform for booking interesting places and real estate in the wild of Northern Europe and the Scandinavian countries. The places you can book include tents, Mongolian yurts, cabins, containers, airstreamers, and other objects in the wild. All the objects are unique and will either remind you of the hiking when you were a kid or help you experience a new adventure you will remember. Besides, you can book something for your friends or relatives as a gift.

Our approach to digitalization

OTAKOYI is always ready to start working on your project from scratch as well as we can catch up with your special case on the fly. According to our experience, most of the clients want to improve their business at a certain stage when they find out that they have an issue or just want to create an improvement. Regardless of the situation, our approach presumes a deep analysis of the business rather than thoughtless execution of tasks. Instead, we are more likely to treat our clients as business partners because if we can help with creating a reliable solution to a business problem, they are more likely to return for another solution. Therefore, we tend to improve everything from the business logic to the elements of the code.

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Another peculiarity of our approach is constant communication. We ask before we do. Besides, whenever we reach a milestone in our work, we eagerly share the results with our customers so that they can always know how it is going. In this case, they can always ask for changes or provide us with constructive feedback. Likewise, when we see that the idea is not likely to work, we will tell them about that. We do believe that such transparency helps both us and our partners to face any changes and challenges. The only thing that can stop us is them telling us that everything works like it is supposed to.

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Wrapping up

As you can see, a digital transformation is a necessity for any business in 2021. There are two main reasons why it is extremely important right now. Firstly, there is a global pandemic that requires solutions to switch from live communication to online. Secondly, the competition is bigger than ever, and with the help of technologies, your business can become more visible, the processes faster and more organized, and the interaction more convenient for you and your customers.

In order to digitalize your business, you can contact OTAKOYI. We are a reliable software development partner with more than 10 years of experience. You can always check our clients’ reviews on Clutch to get an idea of what it means to work with us. The fact is that we always strive to get the work done in the best way possible. It is because we believe that your success is our success too.

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